Welcome to Moxogame.com. For additional contact information, please refer to the Moxogame contact details. These Terms of Use apply to your utilization of Moxogame's web and mobile games, along with other offered content, websites, and associated services (inclusive of servers, software, and infrastructure) (referred to as the "Service"). Your use of the Service is also subject to Moxogame's Privacy Policy, which is incorporated herein by reference. Kindly consult the web games version and mobile games version of the Privacy Policy for further details. Moxogame retains the discretion to add or remove any sites from this list at any time.

Prior to using the Service, please carefully read through these Terms of Use. By installing, using, or otherwise accessing the Service, you express your agreement with these Terms of Use as well as the applicable privacy policy. Certain portions of the Service, such as webpages or portals for game downloads or in-game credit purchases, may encompass additional terms and conditions from us, our suppliers, licensors, or other third parties, supplementing these Terms of Use. Your use of such services signifies your acceptance of these additional terms and conditions. If you do not consent to the Terms of Use, the relevant Privacy Policy, or supplementary terms and conditions, kindly refrain from using the Service.


2.1. Contingent upon your compliance with these Terms of Use, and relevant policies and terms, Moxogame provides you with a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable limited license, subject to the below-stated limitations. This license permits you to access and use the Service solely for your own non-commercial entertainment. It's essential that you refrain from using the Service for any other purpose. Moxogame presents an array of games across its platforms and portals, many of which are free to play unless indicated otherwise. However, you are accountable for any costs incurred while utilizing the Service through communication services. Some games may offer virtual items for purchase, such as virtual game elements or virtual coins, or provide subscriptions for game downloads. For processing payments on the Moxogame Sites or other platforms, third-party payment providers may be used, as detailed in Section 6.

2.2. The option to create an account on the Service ("Account") is available to you. By creating an Account, you confirm that you are at least 16 years of age.

2.3. A username, serving as a distinctive identifier provided either by you or by us, is used to identify you on the Service. You are permitted only one account on Moxogame Sites and one account per game. Should you possess multiple accounts, Moxogame reserves the right to delete any of them. Selling, renting, or transferring your Account, generating an Account using false information, or on behalf of others, is prohibited. In case of unauthorized access to your Account, promptly notify us and modify your login credentials. Safeguarding the confidentiality of login details and overseeing any purchases made via your Account, authorized or not, is your sole responsibility. If you have provided contact information, ensure its accuracy and currency. Your Account should be employed solely for non-commercial purposes.

2.4. If your Account remains inactive for 180 days, Moxogame reserves the right to terminate and permanently deactivate it. Upon deactivation, no obligation is held to retain or provide data or content related to, or refund payments made through, your (former) Account. Your former username may be registered and used by another user. No responsibility lies in removing any public data, content, or information uploaded or posted on the Service.

2.5. Failure to comply with these Terms of Use or any actual or suspected illegal or improper use of the Service may result in account limitations, suspension, termination, modification, or deletion, without prior notice. Compensation for losses or outcomes, including benefits, privileges, or virtual items related to your use of the Service, is not mandated.


3.1. The Service may encompass content from players ("User Generated Content"), including messages, posts, opinions, comments, images, or graphics. Moxogame is not actively involved in creating or publishing such User Generated Content, nor does it endorse any such content. Furthermore, Moxogame does not warrant that User Generated Content infringes third-party rights or adheres to legality. Your use of the Service is undertaken at your own risk, and you acknowledge potential exposure to User Generated Content that might be offensive, indecent, or contrary to your expectations. You assume all risks associated with utilizing User Generated Content linked with the Service. Moxogame bears no responsibility or liability for any User Generated Content.

3.2. Should you submit User Generated Content, you grant Moxogame a non-exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual, transferable, fully paid-up, royalty-free, global license to utilize, publish, reproduce, distribute, adapt, prepare derivative works, or otherwise exploit such submitted User Generated Content or any segment thereof, through various means and media, now or developed in the future. You relinquish any moral rights or rights of publicity and privacy with regard to such User Generated Content, as permitted by applicable laws.

3.3. Ownership of your User Generated Content is not relinquished, but Moxogame reserves the right to monitor User Generated Content and related activities on the Service. Editing, refusing to post, or removing User Generated Content is solely at the discretion of Moxogame and may be executed for any reason, as deemed appropriate.

3.4. Upon submitting User Generated Content, you:
acknowledge that all Service users may access the content and Moxogame has no control over user actions;
warrant that you possess authorization to grant Moxogame the license mentioned in 3.2, and that submitted content does not infringe third-party rights or violate any applicable laws. You indemnify Moxogame against third-party claims, costs, and damages in this context.

3.5. Cooperation with Moxogame for investigating suspected unlawful or improper User Generated Content or activities on the Service is mandatory upon request. You indemnify Moxogame and its officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures, and employees against claims, related costs, and damages arising from disputes with other Service users or third parties connected with the Service.


4.1. Advertising may be displayed before, during, or after games provided by us on the Service. Transactions with advertisers via our Service are conducted between you and the advertiser, subject to additional terms and conditions established by the advertiser. Moxogame bears no liability for any losses or claims arising from dealings with advertisers.

4.2. Third-party website links, including automated search results, might be incorporated within the Service. These links do not imply endorsement of these third-party sites or services by Moxogame. You acknowledge and accept that Moxogame is not accountable for content or materials on these third-party sites.


5.1. Use of the Service is solely permitted for lawful, personal, non-commercial purposes. Downloadable content, if available, is exclusively for personal use and not for reproduction or distribution. Downloads are subject to accompanying rules.

5.2. You are prohibited from:
engaging in acts conflicting with the spirit of the Service as determined by Moxogame; utilizing cheats, bots, hacks, or unauthorized third-party software to modify or interfere with the Service; exceeding rights granted for use; employing data-mining or similar tools on content; reproducing, adjusting, displaying, modifying, translating, publishing, sublicensing, transferring,otherwise distributing or exploiting Service content without prior written consent from Moxogame; reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, deciphering, or attempting to derive source code from underlying software or intellectual property used to provide the Service; offering advertising or promotion on the Service without prior written consent; submitting false personal information or information on behalf of others without permission; transmitting unsolicited bulk communications through the Service; damaging, disabling, or overloading servers or networks; interfering with others' use of the Service; circumventing mechanisms preventing unauthorized reproduction or distribution of Service content.

5.3. The Service may include user-generated content ("User Generated Content"), such as messages, posts, opinions, comments, images, or graphics, provided by players. Moxogame is not responsible for the creation or endorsement of User Generated Content and does not guarantee its compliance with third-party rights or legality. By using the Service, you may encounter User Generated Content that is offensive or contrary to your expectations. You assume the risks associated with using such content and understand that Moxogame is not liable for any User Generated Content.

5.4. Moxogame reserves the right to determine actions that contravene the intent of these Terms of Use or violate these terms. Consequently, Moxogame may take action, including but not limited to account termination or restricting access to the Service, either in part or entirely.

These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between you and Moxogame concerning your use of the Service, superseding any prior or concurrent agreements. Moxogame's failure to enforce a particular right or provision does not waive that right or provision. If any provision of these Terms of Use is deemed invalid or unenforceable, the other provisions remain valid and enforceable. These Terms of Use, alongside our Privacy Policy, are solely construed in English.